Many people all across Australia are not aware that fishing is one of the most popular pastimes for many Australians. It grows in popularity every single year and it is so easy to start because all you need is your fishing rod, some hooks, a reel and some bait. We have a multitude of rivers and lakes to fish in but all of the fun generally starts when you get out there onto the ocean because the fish get a lot bigger. It is always more fun trying to reel in a large saltwater fish and it takes a considerable amount of effort on your part to land it.
Much like golf, fishing is incredibly addictive and so once you get your first catch, you will want to experience that feeling again and again. This is one of the major reasons why many people are signing up for fishing charters in Merimbula. Not only do you get to have an incredible amount of fun trying to catch a big fish but you also get to enjoy the many health benefits that come along with fishing as well. The following are just some of those.
- It’s great for the heart – It is a well-known fact that if you are fishing and especially fishing at sea then you can burn up to 200 calories every single hour that you are out there. It’s pretty unheard of to only go fishing for an hour so there is the potential to burn lots of calories while having a great time. If you do get a bite then reeling in the fish is going to take some time and you’re going to be using your upper body including your arms, shoulders and wrists to get your heart pumping. Spending time in all of that sea air will help to lower your blood pressure also and this is very good for your heart.
- It’s great for your immune system – Even though we live in a hot and sunny country, many Australians are deficient in vitamin D which is essential for good immune health. When you’re out on the ocean enjoying your fishing charter, you get to enjoy all of that sunshine which is incredibly good when it comes to fighting viruses and keeping yourself healthy.
Then there are the mental health benefits of fishing as well because you will find that your stress and anxiety levels will plummet when you are out on the ocean just thinking about fishing and nothing else.