There are many uses of search engines to find hot porn movies, however, the most common use for the search engines is to find the best places to watch the most popular sites with the highest membership counts. This information is most valuable when it comes to figuring out where one can get the most views for their niche or demographic group.
For example, if you were looking to watch free adult hardcore porn movies for adult entertainment in your community, then you would want to find the hottest porn videos and watch them as often as possible. This could mean watching a movie five times a week, or watching it whenever someone was at the house.
If you are looking to use the search engines to locate hot porn videos then one tactic that has helped me out a lot is to find the top ten searches on the page for the term “hot porn tubes”. I then simply copy and paste this into the address bar and the returns page would return all of the results on the first page including the porn tube I was searching for. I then simply mapped the term “hot porn tubes” into the browser search field and set the sorting option to “date range”. This returned all of the newest videos on the tube that I was searching for, which allowed me to choose the ones I wanted to view based on the time of day or the rating.
The other tactic that I have used to get the most views is simply to write in the term “hot porn videos” on MySpace or a similar community site and see what other people wrote in response. This approach has yielded me over two hundred and fifty views in the past few months, which is more than I could hope for with the search engines. One other method that I use is simply to leave a comment on a video on one of the larger tube sites and leave my URL. Every time someone hits my link in response, I receive a message that usually gives me several options for viewing the video and the rate that I am seeing it at.